Invest in Your Health Today
With personalized Naturopathic prescriptions delivered directly to your door, Alyson can help you regain that lost part of your health picture. Alyson particularly likes working with mental health, behavior and digestive conditions.
Improve your relationship with yourself
You are more powerful than you have ever been led to believe. Join Alyson as she shares with you ways to reconnect with your Authentic self and enjoy the empowerment of energetic-based healing practices!
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Learn how to grow your own medicinal herb garden MASTERCLASS
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Plantain Medicine is the second book in a series of Children’s Herbal Adventure stories
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Yarrow Medicine is the third book in this Herbal Adventures Series for Kids. Join Sammy on yet another educational, yet imaginative adventure with his grandad!
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Green Heart Herbals was awarded 3 GOLD medals and 1 Bronze in the 2024 Golden Leaf awards and was awarded 2 Bronze medals in the 2023 Golden leaf awards.
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“I have suffered from chronic sinusitis my whole life, working in the mines there is always environmental factors that make this worse. I would need to take painkillers most days and have severe headaches and be highly irritable from the discomfort. This year, I have had a series of serious sinus infections and had been on round after round of antibiotics. My wife knew Alyson and although I had not considered it before I knew I needed to try something else so we asked for help.
After consulting with Alyson she was able to explain what was happening in my body, what was causing such inflammation and how she could help with natural herbal medicine. Although she said it would take a little time to know my body reactions and time to build and heal, I noticed within the first week the difference in my sinuses.
I am waking up better, no headaches, no sinus pressure and don't need to take any painkillers. I was amazed at the difference it made so fast.
Alyson's approach is exactly what I needed, I needed someone to take the time to explain the whole effect, with a doctor you are in and out within 10min, most of the time just telling them what script you need. Alyson is able to outline the plan for treatment, each time you consult with her, she can help deconstruct what is happening, listens and really understands your lifestyle and how to support this for the long term. ”
—Matt K. Australia (Naturopathic Consultation)
“I am still trying to find the words for yesterday. That was so deep and beautiful to experience a sound and energetic healing session with Alyson. It was so beautiful and amazing to physically feel the energy points activate, and at the end of it all, to feel the feeling of having found “home”. Thank you gorgeous soul for being on my path.”
—Maja S. Germany (Shamanic Sound and Energetic Healing Consultation)
Alyson has greatly helped me with my health, whether that has been my pollen allergy, a flu or recently Covid. As I was recovering from Covid she helped my body regain strength and energy faster as well as making sure I was emotionally and mentally stable. She did this by adding herbal blends for better sleep and calmness of mind besides the magic blends she makes for your immunity system!
As I was very fatigued during recovery I also felt emotionally weak and we ended up doing an energetic healing session where Alyson took me through a deep meditative state in order to rebalance my energy and find healing in my own body. I really enjoyed this shamanic experience! The multifaceted competence that Alyson holds is truly a goldmine and I'm really happy I have had her support through all these imbalance life moments. Did I mention that she's an absolute sweetheart as well?
- Anon Germany (Naturopathic and Shamanic Wholistic care)
Alyson, your crystal bowl session was beautiful and magical from the first moment. Your relaxing voice prompted me to settle down and enjoy what I had not expected! A surprise symphony of healing tones, intertwined, superimposed, bouncing from ear to ear and invigorating my solar plexus! Making me and my heart (and my soul) smile. Happy, amazed. Indescribable really, but fantastic!! Thanks a million!
-Natalie in Germany (shamanic crystal bowl healing and meditation session)
I first contacted Alyson via Zoom consultation regarding issues I was having with my menstrual cycle. My heavy bleeding was contributing to other health problems. The OB/GYN that delivered my children recommended an ablation as the only solution. Seeking another solution, I spoke with my regular Dr. who suggested an ultrasound and referred me to another gynecologist. The ultrasound showed I had several polyps, fibroids, and an enlarged uterus. I was rushed into a D&C to remove the polyps and informed that the appearance of my uterus strongly suggested that I had adenomyosis and that a hysterectomy was my only option; the Dr. suggested I schedule one for a week out! After discussing my health issues with Alyson in the hopes of avoiding a hysterectomy, she prescribed two herbal tinctures for my cycle. The first change I noticed was the first month I was taking the tinctures, my cycle changed from its usual 21 days to 27 days! (I am 40, for the record, and have had a 21 day cycle for as long as I can remember.) The second change I noticed was that the duration and heaviness of my cycle decreased. In the meantime, I met with another gynecologist with my initial ultrasound results to get a second opinion. He too, presented hysterectomy as my only option. Not wanting to rush into anything, we scheduled another ultrasound (which was approximately one year after the first, during which time I had been taking the herbal tinctures.) To my utmost elation and surprise, the second ultrasound revealed “an unremarkable uterus.” I no longer had any polyps or fibroids, and my uterus was now within the normal size range. It can only be attributed to the herbal tinctures prescribed by Alyson, I had made no other changes. I highly recommend Alyson as she doesn’t just mask symptoms as most conventional methods do, she approaches health issues holistically to improve overall health. It would have been easy for me to follow my gynecologist’s recommendations and blindly rush into a hysterectomy, yet, in questioning those recommendations and seeking Alyson’s brilliant naturopathic knowledge and support, I avoided an unnecessary surgery. In addition, Alyson is a pleasure to work with: she really listens, genuinely wants to help people improve their health through naturopathy, evidently knows what she is doing, and has such a refreshingly positive spirit.
- Anonymous, USA (Naturopathic Sessions)
Alyson has a harmonious manner, creating a sense of ease & deep empathy to her clients and their health journey.
Dedicated to sharing her cornucopia of knowledge and wisdom tailoring all things herbal and beyond to nurture & heal my body.
I felt peaceful during and after my session in Alyson’s trustworthy care. I’m Blessed & relieved that I can rely on her advice for my health journey.
The ease of flexible online consultations give a simplicity to anyone’s world! Thank you so much Green Heart Herbals!
- Nerida, Australia (Naturopathic and Shamanic Sessions)