ABOUT Alyson Maier
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Alyson is a holistic Health Practioner, Naturopathic Herbalist, forager, Children’s Author, and carrier of the Apaza Lineage Shamanic practices (Peru).
She grew up on a property in NSW Australia, loving the outdoors and immersing herself in nature. The region where she grew up had (and continues to have) the highest rates of Asthma in the whole of Australia as the result of a large mining industry and military base in the area. She suffered as a child from extreme chronic asthma, requiring frequent medication, which has now been completely in remission since undergoing natural therapies in her early 20s.
Alyson began her career as a Medical Radiation Therapist, treating those with cancer, after losing her Mum, Nan, and numerous Aunts & uncles to the disease. This led her to further her career in the corporate arena, training hospitals in the Asia-Pacific region on how to use Oncology and Radiology equipment. Alyson would often encounter patients using natural therapies without disclosing them to their Oncologists for fear of belittlement and misunderstanding of how they can be applied, and this was a motivator behind furthering her studies in Natural Medicine, in addition to a life-long desire to understand herbal medicine.
Upon furthering her training and deepening her understanding of the mind-body relationship, she found that the missing piece to any health picture is balanced emotional-spiritual health in accordance with optimal physical health. Often one feeds into and supports the other, but all are necessary for optimal health to be achieved.
As a child, Alyson experienced night terrors and other physical ailments, like barking coughs, which resulted from hidden grief or other psychological burdens. She learned at a young age that the subconscious mind and trapped trauma within the body have a strong role in our overall health and well-being and that services like muscle testing, hypnotherapy, and energetic medicines could be extremely useful in lifting these burdens to restore health.
In her 30s Alyson’s health battled again from the effects of birth trauma and grief and she suffered a mini-stroke. This near-death experience led Alyson to finally answer the call of working with her shamanic teachers in the Andes, Peru, after her spiritual guides spoke louder then ever before and she has now been initiated and entrusted to carry forth ancient healing practices and traditions to further energetic balancing within the body and to gain optimal health, for both ourselves, but also this Earth.
Alyson is a life-long learner and a keeper of this Earth. She will continue to learn ways to educate others on how to live in balance and reciprocity with the Earth, each other, and all life on the Earth. Her Herbal Adventures Series of Books for Kids endeavors to introduce families to these concepts.
Alyson Handblends a range of herbal products including Award-Winning Herbal Teas which can be found in her online shop and she is available for herb talks in school and events.
Bachelor Medical Radiation Science (RT), Newcastle University 2004
Advanced Diploma Naturopathy, Nature Care College 2016
Graduate Certificate in Evidence-Based Complementary Medicines, University of Tasmania 2019
Certificate The Way of The Shaman, The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, London 2019
Bachelor of Medicines Management with Professional honors in Complementary Medicines, University of Tasmania 2020
Initiated into the Apaza Lineage as a Nusta Pampomasayoq Paqo (Peru/Inca)
Certificate in Austere Medicine: Trauma Focus 2022
Certificate International Kinesiology College: Touch for Health Kinesiology 2023
Certificate First Aid and CPR

If you face your challenges, you’ll notice the change.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Nor were you. THIS is the human experience!