If you make your own tinctures then you need this FREE….
The Herbalist’s Calculator
Dilution for Fixed Target Volume |
Dilution for Variable Target Volume |
Extract Ratio |
Our program, our online Application “The Herbalist’s Calculator” and our blogposts are intended to provide general information on how to grow certain plants, traditional and scientific application of these plants in traditional and alternative medicine, how to dry and store these plants, and how to make those plants in tinctures, salves and syrups.
As Green Heart Herbals, we hope that through our program, Application and blogposts, users can get motivation to be self-sufficient and to enjoy the process of growing and using their own herbal plants and gain tools to take a better role in their own well-being. However, please note that no content thereof is designed to give, intended to be a substitute or can be considered as “personal health advice”. Neither our program nor any content in our website or Application is intended to take the place of personalized medical counseling, diagnosis and treatment (in any manner). This should come from having an assessment with a trained health professional and practitioner at a personal level.
We always encourage and recommend users to seek professional medical advice regarding any illness, disease they are suffering from, any condition they have including pregnancy or nursing or any content they intent to use or apply. Background health information can aid in the process of holistic approaches. Any concerns about users’ health or diet should be done in consultation with physicians and holistic health care providers.
In addition, our Application “The Herbalist’s Calculator” is intended to help calculating the liquid ratios (i.e. alcohol, water) required to get the desired strength of liquids when using alcohol as solvents in a tincture. It is for educational purposes only, to show how the number of standard tinctures and the alcohol content (% alc/vol) of a tincture can vary depending on the recipe. Any differences, variations and/or discrepancies between the data you enter in the calculator and the actual amount you use in a tincture or any miscalculation could significantly affect the accuracy of the preparation. Because of this and individual variations in alcohol sensitivity and metabolism, it should only be used at user’s sole discretion and with personal liability. Users and students are responsible for their own application and choices. This includes but is not limited to the ingestion, application, or other use of alcohol, any ingredient or allergenic substance. In the event that you are not of legal age to consume alcohol, we recommend that you refrain from the purchase, consumption, or use of alcohol. If you elect to disregard such recommendation, you do so at your own risk, and as Green Heart Herbals, we accept no liability relating to or arising from your own choices and activities.
Choosing and identifying the plants to be grown, and harvesting and preparation of any plant in any tincture, salve or syrup for any type of personal use certainly requires reasonable care and extreme attention to details. As with conventional use of plants, herbal use is vast and complex. We do not guarantee a specific outcome or result, individual results may vary. People react differently to different remedies. Some plants and herbs are contraindicated with certain pharmaceutical drugs. Further, some helpful plants and herbs may be confused with harmful substances. It is the users’ responsibility to make sure that they are harvesting the correct plant as well as it is the users’ choice to try any new plant or preparation.
We assumes no responsibility or liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage or injury caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the information contained in this program or for the use of our Application or Website content or for problems arising from any misidentification, incorrect preparation, consumption or any other use of plants or preparation of those plants into any type of tincture, salve or syrup. We are not liable for any possible adverse reactions and side effects of the plants or plant base preparations users decide to use or apply. The user must accept ownership and responsibility for their own health; including negative consequences and positive outcomes. People who choose to grow, harvest, prepare, use or consume plants or plant base preparations do so at their sole discretion and own risk. Users and students are urged to read carefully and understand the resource materials contained in each lesson, program and blogpost. Students are also encouraged to consult plant field guides to assist in the accurate identification of any plant they intend to grow, harvest and use.