Transmutation of Primal Fear into Compassion
With so much external noise out there in the world, I have retreated from the online world, instead focusing, as we all should do, on my own internal processes and energy.
As the distractions become louder and the pain of our brothers and sisters around the world is illuminated to us through our TV screens, SM feeds or news, we are presented with a choice;
We can view the hurt and become so outraged and angry that we continue the pattern of hurting others in some out-dated sense of retribution, or we can elevate our consciousness, we can raise the energy from our primal centres and pull that energy up into our all seeing centre and anchor it will compassion and love.
It is your fear, your hurt and your hatred that will continue to fuel pain and anguish for yourself and your brothers and sisters should you allow it. Meaning, that the ages of war and destruction that your aching heart condemns will continue to be perpetuated if you don’t attempt to change the pattern, the cycle within. You must learn how to change the way energy and emotion moves through you.
Instead, in sitting with that pain, in recognising that it is that same pain that arises within those who are hurting others and who are perpetrating unspeakable acts towards their fellow human, you can see this is an endless cycle unless you find the strength within to change the course of how your energy is used.
This has always been the choice.
Throughout the ages, the choice has always been ours to make.
And now, with growing solidarity, with a growing community of awakened souls who understand the capacity to transform their pain, we can now act on bringing that new reality into “mainstream” or our new world.
Come back to your centre.
Sit with your pain and your anguish, and just as you would a child who is hurting, wrap your arms around your pain and give yourself love, until it hurts less and you feel the strength and the inner knowing that you must share this compassion and love with those who are hurting around you.
This is not easy, as once you acknowledge the pain, it may arise to anger, however, this is the true invitation. It is when anger and rage arise that we must become the observer of this powerful emotion so as to not act out and place that anger (which arose from your pain) unto others. It is in these moments you must conjure up all the energy, might and will, within to transmute this pain, this anger and let it fuel your compassion and love.
In our old communities, we would have had rights of passage and elders to hold us and teach us how to do this, but now, through the loss of culture and the demands of ‘noise’ in the world ‘out there’, you must become your own master! You must become your own healer, for yourself and for this world.
There are people who can guide you; seek them out, however, know that this is an inside job – and it’s your job. You came here for this time and you have the tools to do this!
We have the opportunity to effect great change on this planet. It will not be through protests, petitions or governments, but it is within our very being, one human at a time, changing the energy within the field and rippling that outwards.
You are the change you want to see in this world!
It is a job that only you can do!
So what are you waiting for?
If you would like guidance reach out to me via the contact page on my website